Failed monoprints - experiments on marble
Yesterday I tried some more monoprinting using a mix of green and blue ink. Sadly it didn't go very well and I didn't manage to get any decent prints. First off the watercolour paper I used was too thick and all the detail I drew didn't show. I then used some thinner paper but obviously didn't blot it enough as too much ink was on the print to see the detail. However the marble surface I was working on was left with a lovely image of all the
detail of the drawing so I photographed it. For the second image I dropped water on it to try and capture the tentactles. Unfortunatley by the time i'd finished the water had run slightly so its a little less circular than ideal. I like the quality of the areas where the water is dropped, almost luminous, like you would find on a reef. The final image i've manipulated the tentacle area in photoshop using the liquify filter to add swirls. They add an energy to the picture, but perhaps don't quite work in combination with the head.

detail of the drawing so I photographed it. For the second image I dropped water on it to try and capture the tentactles. Unfortunatley by the time i'd finished the water had run slightly so its a little less circular than ideal. I like the quality of the areas where the water is dropped, almost luminous, like you would find on a reef. The final image i've manipulated the tentacle area in photoshop using the liquify filter to add swirls. They add an energy to the picture, but perhaps don't quite work in combination with the head.
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